About the AWE Tuning SwitchPath™ Remote:
Push-button mood control.
What it does:
The AWE Tuning SwitchPath™ Remote and accompanying control box overrides the factory valving to allow the exhaust valves, whether it be on the AWE Tuning SwitchPath™ Exhaust or the stock exhaust, to be opened or closed manually via the SwitchPath™ Remote.
How to operate:
With the AWE Tuning SwitchPath™ Controller installed, the exhaust valves can be opened by pressing the “On” button found on the left side of the SwitchPath™ Remote. To close the exhaust valves simply press the “Off” button on the right side of the remote.
Please note, the AWE Tuning SwitchPath™ Remote overrides the stock valve control, meaning the exhaust must be opened and closed with the remote as desired.