Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761 | Performance parts and accessories for Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, Mini, Mercedes Benz, Porsche and Volvo

Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761

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Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
Thermostat Replacement Kit | ES4057761
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Product Overview

This part is?to prevent cooling issues before they begin with a Thermostat Replacement Kit. The experts at ECS Tuning have identified all of the common parts that fail on a MINI and included them all in this convenient kit.

If your MINI has high miles or needs one of these unit replaced its a little insurance to replace all the critical components. (Included in this kit are all Bremmen MINI parts.)

This is usually found by a blue coolant pooling on top of the transmission housing leaking from the thermostat itself. You will need to replace this asap as you can overheat and cook the engine.?


Up?to 7/2012 production will need adapter ?12518611289?.? ?Production ?7/2012 2/2013 will need adapter ?12518614952 ?2/2013 + need no adapter.?


  • Bremmen Thermostat w/thermostat housing
  • Bremmen Thermostat housing bolts x 3 genuine OEM
  • Bremmen?Part which is a OES part.?


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