If you have an E36 there is absolutely no reason you don't have this clutch pedal! Your factory E36 clutch pedal is made of flimsy plastic with no adjustment at all leaving you to the mercy of the clutch you have.
The Turner Performance Adjustable Clutch Pedal is a rigid design that gives you the ability to fully adjust your clutch feel and performance. With both upper and lower adjustments this is the best pedal on the market to fine tune your clutch pedal just the way you like it. The upper eccentric provides an adjustable pedal ratio to fine tune clutch pedal effort. The lower adjustment is to change the position of the clutch assist spring giving you the adjustability for your ultimate driving experience.
Your race car no longer needs to have a clutch that makes the car undriveable on the street. Your track car can now be your daily driver or weekend cruiser.
NOTE: This Clutch Pedal does not include the Compression spring and the original spring must be reused. If you'd like to purchase a new spring, please see: